
Ways of giving to the Lord and financially supporting the ministry of Christ’s church:

If you are not on our monthly PAR service (Pre Authorized Remittance) and wish to be, please print off the form and send by mail, or scan and email. PAR Authorization Form

You can also give electronically through Canada Helps at

St. John’s in Sherbrooke can receive email transfers at

Gifts can be given in memorium, or in honour of someone or something.

Offerings/Donations (including post dated cheques) can be mailed as well.

Please indicate which church your donation is to go, so a charitable reciept can be issued. (St. John’s, Sherbrooke; Kirk Memorial, Glenelg; Bethany, East River St. Mary’s)

St. Mary’s Pastoral Charge 189 Hwy. 347 Aspen NS B0H 1E0

“Give and you shall receive, that which you have given and more.”  Luke 6:38

Thank you and God bless!

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